gpf_entrepot_toolbelt.utils.gpf_test_case module¶
Usage from the repo root folder:
- class gpf_entrepot_toolbelt.utils.gpf_test_case.GpfTestCase(method_name: str = 'runTest')¶
Bases :
- __init__(method_name: str = 'runTest')¶
Simple constructor
- Paramètres:
method_name (str) – Name of the base metho
- assert_files_equals(first_path: Path, second_path: Path)¶
Assert two files are equals
- Paramètres:
first_path (Path) – Path to the first file
second_path (Path) – Path to the second file
- assert_json_files_equals(first_path: Path, second_path: Path, modifiers: dict[str, bool | int | dict] | None = None)¶
Assert two files are equals accordingly to their JSON content
- Paramètres:
first_path (Path) – Path to the first file
second_path (Path) – Path to the second file
modifiers (dict[str, any]) –
dict containing the field names as keys and as value, one of :
boolean : True for nonifying the field
int : decimal to keep (or integer digit rounding if negative)
dict : For calling recursively the modifying
- assert_s3_prefix_contains_exactly(s3_client: GpfS3Client, bucket_name: str, prefix: str, expected_list: list[str])¶
Assert that a S3 prefix contains exactly all listed files
- Paramètres:
s3_client (GpfS3Client) – client for the S3 storage
bucket_name (str) – Name of the bucket to check
prefix (str) – Prefix to check
expected_list (list[str]) – relative to prefix list of keys which are expected to be found in the storage